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Reception Role

Reception role is one of the key roles in DVNASMS. This role will be assign to reception people only. Reception role has permission to assess Inquiry-Page, Admission-Page, Student-Profile and Class-Fee-Collection-Page.

How To Works Reception Role In DVNASMS ?

Step by step guide of reception role works in DVNASMS is given below. It is explained about reception roles and responsibilities. They can generate inquiry ID of any student with the help of inquiry page. It will be unique inquiry ID. Again it will be required in future if student will take admission and without inquiry ID student can’t take admission because during admission procedure admission form will ask about inquiry ID.

Step 1 Inquiry-Page

Whenever any student is planning to take admission in any school then he want to know about the fee structure of school like class fee or tuition fee, admission, and discount etc, infrastructure of school and admission procedure. All these queries’ answer will be available in inquiry slip or receipt. It is also called inquiry procedure. During inquiry procedure a unique ID will be generated which is called inquiry ID. It will be required during admission.

Go to your URL like 2014 and click on it. Then it will open employee login panel, authenticate your employee login by putting user name and password. Before start this inquiry page you should confirm about your role in application. Now you have to click on inquiry page. Then inquiry page will open. You will see blank text box like first name, last name, date of birth, mobile no, telephone no, address line 1, address line 2, father’s name and pin number and drop down list like Country, Inquiry About, City and Class Name. When you will fill all text boxes and drop down list according to your inquiry. After that you have to click on save button. Then it will generate a unique inquiry ID. You can take print of student’s admission inquiry receipt which will show all details like student’s information, admission fee, discount in admission fee, class fee, discount in class fee and total payable amount etc.

Inquiry Page DVNASMS2016

Step 2 Admission Page

Whenever any student will take admission in any school they he wants to take proof of admission and details slip or receipt. All these works will be done on admission page and it will be required for admission procedure.

Click on admission page link then it will be open admission page. You will see only one drop down list of inquiry ID. Now select the inquiry ID of student who has to take admission. After that you have to select the tuition fee for month. Here tuition fee is starting from month of April because financial year is starting from month of April. Again during admission procedure at least student has to pay fee for one month otherwise they can’t take admission. Student can pay entire admission fee and one month of tuition fee or entire month of tuition fee. It is not mandatory that they have to pay one year’s tuition fee together. It is an optional.

Now you have to click on save button then admission ID, admission date and ID card no will generate automatic. You can take print of student admission receipt which will show all details like admission fee, after discount in admission fee, fee paid amount, due amount and ID card no etc. If you have missed any month name selection then you have to select the right month and click on update button then your admission records will updated.

Admission Page DVNASMS2016
Admission Page DVNASMS2016

Step 3 Class Fee Collection Page

Whenever student is taking admission in school then they have to pay monthly, quarterly or half yearly tuition fee. This page is design to overcome above mention requirement. With the help of tuition fee collection page you can manage tuition fee history in easy way. This page is increasing the productivity of an employee which is working in the school or education institute. It is very fast and easy to learn and use.

Authenticate your user name and password on employee login panel. It will open contains pages. Go to class collection page and click on it. It will show class fee collection page. You will see two drop down list like class name in right side, roll no. in left side and check box of tuition fee for month in below side. Now you have to select class name from class name drop down list, roll number from roll no. drop down list and select the right month from tuition fee month. Afterthat click on save button. Then your tuition fee is saved successfully. When you will open this page again for class fee collection then you have to select tuition fee for right month and click on save button.

Tution Fee Collection Page DVNASMS2016
Tution Fee Collection Page DVNASMS2016

Step 4 Student Profile

Student profile page is for verification of student records and history. Whenever anyone like guardian or student will come to tuition fee collection counter then reception’s role people can verify the guardian or student before taking the money or tuition fee from them. They can judge right people. Again student can also check their history or information about you.

Authenticate your name and password on student login panel. It will open contains pages. Go to student profile page and click on it. It will show student profile page. You will see two drop down list like class name and student roll no. You have to select class name and student roll no. You will show all details of a particular student profile.

Student Profile Page DVNASMS2016
Student Profile Page DVNASMS2016

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